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Selectmen Minutes 11/17/05
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
     Thursday – November 17, 2005 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, George Rainier; Selectman, William Brooks; Selectman, Conrad Dumas
Catherine Shaw taking minutes

Department Heads:
No department head were scheduled.


(see separate minutes on Public Hearing)
With no further discussion the hearing adjourned at 7:27 pm.

The Board continued a discussion and looked at the tax map to see the layout of Muzzey Hill Road.  Put this on the Agenda for next week.  They will try to finish the discussion then.  What was the time line on the Williams road upgrade?  It was a long time and it started in the spring.  Have Deb research for next meeting.

Rainier asked, if they (Cilley’s and Stewart’s) had paid for the ads for the public hearing? We have not been billed yet from the papers.  Rainier will let them know that there are fees.

On – going matters:
Church Lease -
WW Hookups –
Building Code Issues –

Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R & A/P - Invoices
·       Minutes – 11/3/05 were approved and the 11/10/05 need to be edited on page 2 and 4 as noted.
·       Letters –
Lyris, Inc.     R9-61-1 New street address assignment
Hall            R9-61-2 New street address assignment
Shinerock       R9-61-3 New street address assignment
Kokal           R6-3    Current Use Land Map request
Cilley          R1-11-1 Current Use Land Map request
Smith           R6-8-8   Current Use Land Map request
·       Agreements –
Mason & Rich      2006 Auditing Services – Not approved at this time.
Regular audit starts in Jan.?  Year ending December 1s, 2005.  Rainier questioned, on page 3 an item for $950 for new work.  Is something changing?  Ask for clarification on this item.  Table the agreement until next week.  
Southwest Region Planning Com.  To update 2005 Tax Maps
·       Memo –  To Tax Collector requesting reports.  
·       Timber Tax Warrant      R1-34 Adams

Other Items –
·       Peter Hopkins is out of town until the 26th.  Charlie Stevenson will do any inspections if necessary.
·       Dumas discussed the Land Use Change Tax revenues and what goes to conservation.  He went to the Con. Com. meeting last night. He wants the Board to meet with them.  They want to protect the high ground views. Rainier asked, then why did they (the Town) vote down the steep slopes ordinance?  Dumas said they need money to have available.  A bond doesn’t make sense; the idea of the L.U.C.T. should be for conservation.  It was a good discussion.  They discussed where does wildlife track through town.  
Question from the floor:  Is anyone mapping wildlife corridoring?  Dumas said, people have identified a corridor from Crotched Mtn to Temple.  There is stuff going on with watershed groups.  The Planning Board and ZBA should be told about places of interest.  They should have a meeting with all the boards.  Crotched Mtn did a presentation on handicapped year round trails.  There will be access to the public.  An Easement for lumber will eat a lot of timber.  
·       Dumas wants to discuss Deb’s email reference an email letter that was sent to the Board about a property near Zephyr Lake.  Deb should print emails for the Board and put in the folder.  It may be a code issue or health issue.  The way communication happens, Peter should be involved.  Rainier stated, the IBC has codes on this.  It’s there if anyone chooses to enforce it.  When we receive these complaints, they always go to Peter.  Was it a heads up?  Tell Deb, give to Peter and a hard copy to the file.
·       Dumas reported, Con-Val is doing a town meeting. They will have school board meetings in all the towns.  There will be 3 meetings a year to visit the towns.  Tom Welden has come to us to fill us in as a board.  They are going to publish a schedule.
·       There were 8-10 calls complaining that the Tax Collector was not here for office hours Wednesday night or Thursday morning as he had posted.  Thursday morning a note was posted saying he would have office hours on Friday morning.
The Board wants to meet with the Tax Collector next week to follow up on training.
·       2 replacement windows were installed in the town office.  They look great.
·       Budget 2006:  O’Connell asked, if they had any questions on the ZBA budget.  Their budget is offset by fees for advertising.  If they don’t use it, they give it back to the Town.
Some adjustments were made to the budget –
Finance Administration was cut by ($2,500); Gen. Gov. Buildings add $1,549
Al Burtt, Trustee of the Trust Funds had asked to reduce his revenue on the McCanna Fund to be $100 only.
The Town Clerk wants to increase her mileage expense.

With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Because of the Thanksgiving Holiday, the next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be Wednesday, November 23, 2005 at 5:45 pm.